Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen complications, our rally on June 15th has been canceled.

We look forward to planning our next event.

With a sad heart, Awake Brevard Action Alliance is announcing that our END GUN VIOLENCE- RALLY & MARCH is Canceled.

After getting approval to move to the second location and after we announced the changes, FDOT came back a few days later to say we could not use the space because of the “sidewalk closed signs.”

While the city of Cocoa tried to help; parking complications, and the inability to use the sidewalks for our rally site brought up significant concerns for the safety of those attending and speaking at our event. Attempting to change locations/cities at the last minute would not allow us to get the proper safety measures in place in time.

This decision was not an easy one for us to make.

Above all, the safety of everyone who attends our rallies is of the utmost concern and given the current political climate and with permit-less carry going into effect as of July 1st, it is important that our rallies are planned with safety in mind.

This is not the end, just a bump in the road as we look ahead to planning our next event.

We appreciate your understanding and support in making this difficult decision.

Keep up the Good Fight!