The rally was a rousing success. Thanks to all who participated on this hot Friday morning, and thanks to Florida Today for the in-depth coverage.

Interview with Kelly Kervin

Article: ‘Stop banning books’: Protesters rally at Brevard Public Schools’ district office

“This rally is to let the BPS school board know that the public is here, we are concerned and we will not be silent,” said parent Kelly Kervin, one of the organizers…

“Americans don’t like fascists,” [Amy Roub] said. “Americans don’t like book burners. We don’t want you here, you’re not welcome. And there are more of us than them, and we will win this.”…

“The law that they claim to care about says that (the decision) needs to be based on the entire book,” [Paul Roub] said. “There is not a molecule in my body that believes Gene Trent is going to read these books.”

The linked article is available to Florida Today subscribers only. You can also read it at Yahoo News without a subscription, but do consider subscribing to Florida Today: they're doing great work, and keeping up with the School Board's shenanigans is a full-time job. Subscribing through the article linked above lets them know people want to support real reporting.